Objects of KP culture and heritage make an enviable list. Their number is large and varied. With much change in our way of life forced by social and geographical displacement, most of these rich objects of artefacts that served us by making their use in various cultural, social, religious and other community functions have lost purpose. Many ceremonies, rituals and religious practices so typical to traditional KP way of life have fallen back and so the use and purpose of my artefacts connected to such occasions are lost in the march of time. But given the sentimental attachment and nostalgia these artefacts evoke in our minds some portable artefacts apparently have been retained by several individuals and families. Their specific identity and availability is hard to guess. But that many representative pieces of these social and cultural artefacts survive in the community is not hard to claim. Over the years some effort has gone to collect some of these objects of our cultural and social history for their antiquarian value and also by way of art pieces of bygone days . The art pieces collected are few and usually of the type and sizes not difficult to handle physically. Their sight reminds of our lost old world. As such, these significant objects of our social, cultural and religious history can be a desirable introduction to our younger generation to acquaint them with the old world of their ancestors. From more than one consideration, KP artefacts are worthy of display in a museum. Until such time, the community builds one, some of those objects are preserved for posterity to the extent it has been possible in this limited endeavour.