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To create a Documentary Resource under a single roof  to get a sneak- peek into the collections and to go beyond for what is commonly  known in a given spectrum of knowledge about Kashmiri Pandits (KPs)  –  Rare and Contemporary Books, Manuscripts, Paintings, Archival  Documents  & Letters,  Photographs  etc. (both original and copies).  To showcase the unique cache of correspondence exchanged between, the well-known Kashmiri scholar Prof. Nityanand Shastri and several 20th century icons of western Indology on a wide range of Indic themes of Kashmir. 

Book Release - "Don Quixote" in Kashmiri Language

Book Discussion -
"Terror Unbound (1986-2010)
Terrorists on Prowl"

by - Dr. S.N Pandita & Apeksha Pandita


Tilden to Carl Keller

He is Javier Tejerina, the modern- day Carl Keller holding Sanskrit and Kashmiri DQ editions. Behind him on his home- library shelves are an exclusive collection of his exotic DQ collection.
( Photo - credit- Dragomir Dimitrov)


2023 Maharaja Gulab Singh Memorial 
Intellectual Legacy of the Dogras

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